Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Book Review: We Consciousness by Karen Noe

On August 30, 2015 I was in my kitchen cleaning, when out of the blue Dr. Wayne Dyer popped into my head. I thought about meeting him "by chance" in 2013, and being able to thank him in person for changing my life. I finished my cleaning, went into the living room, opened up Facebook on my phone and read Doreen Virtue's post that he had passed to spirit. 

I knew my sudden thought of Wayne was his way of telling me he was in another form. There are many stories from other people who loved Wayne that are similar to mine. Amongst many tears and gratitude for all he gave in his life, I thought about his years of writing, and how I always looked forward to his next book. His books became more and more spiritual over the years, reflecting his ascension in this realm. I was sad thinking I would never read a new book from him, and then I thought, maybe somehow I would.

I learned of psychic medium, spiritual counselor, healer and author Karen Noe through following Wayne Dyer's daughters on social media. Wayne connected with Karen after his passing and had messages for his family. Karen provided profound readings to his wife and daughters, giving "without a doubt" messages from Wayne. When I heard about this, I started following Karen Noe on Facebook and Instagram, and I hoped somehow Wayne would write a book through her.

We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths For Inner And Outer Peace is the book I was hoping for! Karen Noe has channeled Wayne Dyer and the higher consciousness he... well...hangs out with, called the We Guides. The We Guides include Jesus, St. Francis, Lao Tzu and many others. Wayne had a huge affinity for St. Francis, and I recall one of his trips to Assisi where he was lecturing in the church and felt overcome at one point by St. Francis' spirit. He spent a year living the Tao, and his resulting book "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life reflect the path he walked honoring the teachings of Lao Tzu. He has quoted A Course In Miracles which is said to be channeled teachings of Jesus, and ended all of his lectures with one of the quotes "You can be a host to God, or a hostage to your ego." I can also see how Karen Noe is connected to all of this too. She felt a close connection to Wayne's teachings as well as a deep tie to St. Francis. She is a huge lover of animals, and believes in being an instrument of peace.

Wayne came to Karen on a New Years Eve while she was in an altered state of consciousness, and told her that she would be channeling a book not just from Wayne, but also St. Francis, ascended masters, and angels. They would be sharing 33 Profound Truths of the We Consciousness. This was helping Karen accomplish her mission on Earth, to spread the message of peace with the world.

The book begins with the 33 Profound Truths and a short explanation of each. This alone will raise your vibration, but Karen includes many chapters on how to make yourself an instrument of peace. It is truly a beautiful book, and shows how each of us can lift the vibration of the planet in how we treat ourselves and others.

We Consciousness also includes a question and answer section with Wayne. I love this part, if feels like you are sitting down with Wayne for a chat. There are also stories from his daughters and wife, prayers for peace, quotes on peace, and organizations & websites for peace.

This is a much needed book on this planet right now, and I am so grateful to Karen Noe for being an example of peace and for opening her heart to hearing the continuing wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer and the We Guides. And I am most grateful that Karen is sharing it with all of us.

To reach Karen Noe: Click here
To buy We Consciousness: Click here
For many of Wayne Dyer's books: Click here
Dr. Wayne Dyer's website: Click here

In Gratitude & Love,

Kerri Mulhern

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