Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Week Two: It's All About Balancing (Chakras, That Is)

In my second week of healing my foot (and my soul), I'm working on a combination of inner and outer work.  I have been Googling so much about my injury that a massager advertisement appeared in my Instagram feed to help with my issue. It looked really good, like a deep tissue massage, and it was something I could do myself.  I ordered it for same-day Amazon delivery. That just amazes me that I get get something in one day, but I did!

It works great, and has all of these accessories that you can massage your whole body, even a facial massage, which is perfect for my TMJ (from years of teeth grinding from anxiety & stress). So I use it daily on both feet and calves and they feel great! I also have been using the facial massager tip with lotion and my face feels wonderful!

I found some exercises for Posterior Tibial Tendonitis and have been doing the ones that don't put any stress on my foot. I'll do the weight-bearing exercises after 6 weeks to strengthen my calf, ankle, and arch. I'm still debating cancelling that 3 week foot doctor appointment and maybe going in after 6 weeks. I'll figure that out next.

For the first time in a really long time I feel rested. I have been well taken care of and it feels really nurturing. It also feels wonderful not to feel so responsible for everything. I know I have been divinely forced into this situation by knocking my feet right out from under me so I could see this. I don't need to do so much. Everything will be fine. Everything is fine. I could feel myself heading towards all of this, but I kept pushing myself. Now I hope that this rest is enough, because I really don't want surgery. I mean I REALLY don't want surgery at all.

I am still meditating and it feels fantastic to be back in that flow. It was another thing I often gave up because I didn't have the time. I pushed the things I needed to do for myself to the back of the line because of that feeling that I wasn't doing enough for everyone else, that everyone else's needs were more important than mine.  I knew better, I just couldn't do what I needed to for myself until I was forced into it by this foot injury. I am grateful for it, I know it was necessary. I'm grateful that what took me out wasn't more serious.

After lamenting the prospect of surgery, someone dear suggested I try holistic methods since that's what I gravitate towards. Honestly, I gravitate, but I've never tried it for a health issue before. But of course I should try it! So I once again Googled like a maniac and found holistic health practitioners in my area. I found this incredible integrative medicine center nearby called the Integrative Healing Institute, and I was like a kid in a candy store (well, I was actually like ME in a candy store) browsing through their online menu of services. I picked out two to start with: a reflexology massage and chakra balancing (to work on that third chakra). The reflexology description mentioned that it was great for foot pain and plantar fascitis, so this seemed like a great place to start. I booked them back to back and looked forward to the appointments. Although I had some butterflies in my stomach, I had a very good feeling about this place and the healing it would provide, and I know that is important to the outcome. When I had the remote intuitive healer pull the inflammation out of my foot, I know part of the reason it worked, was because I was visualizing along with her that the healing was occurring. It is law of attraction at work. Expect what you want the outcome to be and feel the feeling of what you want. We can create our outcomes, that's why the placebo effect works. If we think something is helping us, it will.

So a few days later hubby brought me to my appointment. The waiting area was a spiritual paradise with crystals, essential oils, jewelry, holistic creams and more. There were cozy chairs and a couch, relaxing music piped in and friendly staff at the desk. After I filled out a few forms, I hobbled around a bit to check out the crystal tables. I eyed a set of chakra discs that looked great. I placed them down, hoping the other woman looking at the crystals wouldn't buy it before I came back from my session. But I didn't want to be impulsive, if it was meant for me, it would be there an hour from now.

Soon Kim Krost appeared and introduced herself (I found out later that she is the owner of the healing center). She was friendly and kind, and I knew I would be in good hands. I left my husband amongst the crystals and sleep inducing sounds and was led to her room. It was a calm, dark, heated room with gentle music playing. The room was small but it fit a couch where I sat, a desk and chair, as well as a massage table in the center of the room. We talked for a bit about my issues. Obviously she knew my foot needed help with the giant boot I was wearing. I told her I was trying to avoid surgery and she spoke of the various clients she has seen with foot issues. It felt reassuring that she has dealt with this before. I told her I also was trying to lose weight so if she had any thoughts or could work some reflexology magic, I would appreciate it. She talked about juicing, and eliminating gluten from my diet and the impact it has had on some of her clients. I appreciated her help.

Next I took my left shoe off and my right boot and gently hopped up on the table and lay down face up. A wedge was under my lower legs. Kim decided to do the chakra balancing first. She placed the same type of chakra discs I spied in the waiting area around and on me. The lower chakra discs were placed towards the right of me on the table. She said as long as the crystals are near the chakras, they help activate them. She placed the heart, throat and third eye chakra discs on me and the crown chakra disc behind my head. She also placed two clear quartz crystals on either side of my head under the pillow I was resting on. She took the sheet underneath me and pulled it to cover my arms. I was cocooned and ready! She was very descriptive about what she was doing and told me she would be employing Reiki in the session. Reiki is an energy healing I have wanted to learn myself and I have thought of getting certified. It so happens she also teaches Reiki! 

Kim told me that the energy that flows through the body starts in the right foot and flows up through the body and down through the left foot. So this aching foot could be a part of a block. She showed me with a pendulum as it swayed back and forth that my chakras were closed. She worked her way up with her hands, applying very light pressure. When she was at my knees, it felt like a current was flowing down my legs a few times. When she got to my third chakra, I felt uncomfortable. I was scared for a moment thinking I was having a panic attack. I was thirsty, maybe it was too warm in there. This is going to sound odd, but here goes. It felt like my chest was a solid thin piece of bone instead of ribs. I'm not sure why that popped into my head, but that was what it felt like. It felt like I had a pressure on this solid piece of bone. I knew this would be good for me, so I said nothing. Most of the time I kept my eyes closed, but I watched her work on my third chakra, and when she was finished, the pressure was totally gone. She moved up to the remaining chakras and then finished by circling around my body with some hand motions. I asked her about it all after and she explained some of the symbolism behind opening and balancing the chakras, as well as the "stitching" she was doing of my aura at the end. It all felt like a beautiful ceremony. I felt very relaxed. She used the pendulum again across my chakras and it spun in circles as it is supposed to when they are functioning properly. We spent quite a bit of my appointment time on the chakra balancing, but I know I needed it. 

The reflexology massage was wonderful too. It was very gentle as she applied pressure to specific points on my foot and calf. I felt no pain, and my foot felt great after. She also did a lymphatic drainage on my right leg. This would help with inflammation. It was also very gentle and pain free. It was one of the options I was considering when booking the appointment, because it detoxed the body and can help with weight loss. She told me it usually helps more with inches but she actually had a client who lost 7 pounds in a day from it. She applied some Kinesio tape and said next time she'd tape up my whole foot to help align my foot better. She told me to use a soft roller under my foot at home to loosen the fascia.

 Kim told me she would email me some information about gluten free bread and flour, steps on keeping my chakras balanced, and some other info (which she did right after I left). She walked me to the waiting area and I felt nothing short of euphoric. My entire body was calm, I didn't have a care in the world and I was pain free. I seriously felt spectacular.

Kim gave me some lymphatic cream to try and I found the chakra discs waiting patiently on the table I left them at. My sweet husband managed to keep himself from being lulled to sleep by the music, and headed outside to swing the car around so I wouldn't have to walk far. 

I thanked Kim for her help and set up an appointment for two weeks from now for another reflexology massage and the lymphatic drainage. I can't wait! The next day Kim responded to my email response and mentioned the Reiki classes again. I signed up to get my Reiki 1 certification in November. 

The journey continues next week...

For more information:
Integrative Healing Institute: Click here
Chakra stone set: Click here
Body Massager: Click here

In Gratitude & Love,

Kerri Mulhern

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