Suitable Gifts
by Kerri Mulhern
Sunday, December 1, 2024
10 Minute Miracle - Meditation at Bell Rock
Thursday, February 2, 2023
The 10-Minute Miracle
Every Monday morning at 8AM Central Time you will find the latest 10-Minute Miracle Mondays video on my @kerrimulhern Instagram and YouTube channel . Each week you will find a quick guided journey to assist you in manifesting your dreams. It takes only a minute to put Law of Attraction into action. This means that after 60 seconds of focused attention, you begin to draw to you what you are thinking about.
We are manifesting all the time, but we tend to focus on what we don't want. Fear can take hold or feelings of unworthiness can be the norm. So, instead of experiencing what we truly desire, we unintentionally draw to us what we don't want. Every single one of us is deserving of all we want and more. We are here to live happy, fulfilled lives. We are also here to learn and grow, but that doesn't mean we have to learn through suffering.
You are creating your life with every thought. You are a powerful co-creator with the Universe and how you see your life is simply a projection of your thoughts. The Universe is constantly bringing to us what we think about. It's always saying YES. But what are you thinking or saying? If your thoughts or words are "This will never work out," the Universe responds by bringing you things to help fulfill your prophesy. But the good news is that all you need to change this, is a shift in perspective. If you begin talking only about what you really want, the Universe will conspire to make it happen.
As with anything, the more you practice this way of thinking, the easier it gets, and the more it becomes habit. You can write a short list of what you want to bring into your life such as a job, a love interest, healthy weight loss, a new home, you name it. Then place the list on your nightstand. Every night before you go to bed, read over that list. Then go to sleep thinking about what you want, instead of things that might be troubling you. Now, your mind has all of those hours of rest to work on your manifestation within your subconscious mind.
When you wake in the morning, read over your list again. Shouldn't your day begin with what would make you happy, instead of what you dread? Right before falling asleep and just when you wake up are the best times to work on your manifestations. Your mind is in the most receptive state at those times.
Here are some additional tips for manifesting:
1. Imagination: Set a timer on your phone for 15 minutes, sit in a quiet, comfortable spot. Close your eyes and picture in your mind what you want. Use your senses. What would having the thing you desire look like, feel like, sound like, taste like? After you have this pictured in your mind, relax and just breath normally. If your mind wanders, focus back on your breath. When the timer is finished, know that you have put your desires into the Universe and you have meditated, which is so healthy for you in mind, body, and soul.
2. Act "As If:" From now on, live as if what you want is already here. How would you behave, carry yourself, speak, or dress if what you wanted was here right now? Bring your desire to you faster, by living as if you have it now. Believe it is already here.
3. Look For Signs: As I mentioned earlier, the Universe is always saying "Yes" to us. Be mindful of signs and synchronicities that match your desires. These signals affirm that you are on the right path. If you think that something is a sign, acknowledge it and more will appear.
4. Act on Opportunities: You are co-creating with the Universe. This is not the same as asking a genie to grant your wishes. You are responsible for creating the life you want. For example, if you want the job of your dreams, then act on opportunities such as attending a Job Fair that you just happened to notice while you were scrolling online.
5. Gratitude - Keep a gratitude journal or a running note on your phone and list 3 things a day (you can list more) that you are grateful for. This is a miracle magnet. Note things that are in alignment with what you are manifesting, something about yourself that you are grateful for, and anything else that comes to mind. The more you do this, the more you will find to be grateful for.
All of the 10-Minute Miracle Mondays are saved on my Instagram page, as well as on my YouTube channel. Keep an eye on this blog too, as I will be posting more tips to manifesting, meditating, and more!
In Gratitude & Love,
Saturday, September 12, 2020
A Reading With Linda Jones - Light Reader
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Linda Jones - Light Reader |
Linda is very ethereal, she loves nature, as you will see if you follow her on Instagram. I am fascinated by her work with bees and how close she gets to them! You will also see squirrels, her adorable parrot Mango, and lots of flowers and nature pics. And of course, she has card readings on her page too! She is a Certified Card Reader and also a Certified Angel Guide through Kyle Gray.
It's interesting to go back and look at this reading since it was about ten months ago. See how behind I still am with this blog? I could have skipped all of those months, but there has been so much leading up to today, that I really wanted to go back and see how it all fits into now.
We set up the appointment and the reading took place over the phone, and then Linda texted me the cards and write-up of the reading later that day.
I wanted just a general reading and then Linda let me ask some additional questions on other topics after. At the beginning she pulled two cards to see what direction the reading was going in. Green Tara and Mary Magdelene were pulled, but she told me she felt strongly about Archangel Raphael too. I work with him all the time when I work on Reiki clients, so that was a great feeling to know he's with me. Linda also saw green around me when we were in person, which is his color. Green is also the color of the heart chakra. I channel Reiki healing energy through my crown chakra, then into my heart chakra, down my arms, and out through my hands for healing. Green is a color of healing and Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of healing.
Linda said the Mary Magdelene card is indicating that my inner teacher awakens. When I asked her an additional question at the end of the reading about timing, she pulled two cards and said it would be winter time, late January or early February. Now I didn't plan this, but clearly it was literally in the cards, because late January I applied to teach my first class at Unlimited Thought Enrichment Center on vision boards. I was approved, and they were able to fit it into their schedule for February. I taught after that until the pandemic shut everything down. And now I'm teaching live classes on Instagram. So Linda's card reading was spot on.
In the reading Linda saw me needing to make quick decisions due to unexpected changes, and she even drew The World card for me about the near future, indicating a major life event. Nothing could be more major than what the entire planet has been going through with COVID-19, and I find it so fascinating that the card was The World. It wasn't just about me, that card was really for everyone.
Linda saw me partnering with spirit, and using her intuitive gifts, she immediately thought of Archangel Michael. Of all of the Archangels, Michael is the one I call to the most. You can ask him to stay with you always and he will. I had done so quite a long time ago. He is able to be with multiple people at the same time, so you can ask him to do the same. For me, he is my protector and the protector of my home and family. I ask him to protect those I work on for Reiki and for card readings as well. So I am so happy about a spiritual partnership with Archangel Michael! I have learned recently that he is the Archangel for life purpose, so that is another important facet of his abilities to help. Just ask.
There was much more in the reading, but I wanted to give you a sample of Linda's work because she is a beautiful soul using her gifts to help others. She blends her intuitive gifts with the cards to provide a solid reading. Her readings are accurate and filled with kind-spirited words because that is who Linda is.
For more about Linda Jones:
In Gratitude & Love,
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Colette Baron-Reid: She Basically Saw Right Through Me And Found A Five Pound Bag Of Sugar
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Colette Baron-Reid & Me! |
On October 6, 2019 I arrived at the Houston Convention Center, for the second day of Hay House Live! That day's workshop was with Colette Baron-Reid. Colette is a gifted intuitive counselor, spiritual medium, best-selling author, recording artist, and so much more. I could not wait meet her and learn from her in person.
I went in a different door than the day before, and lost my way, as some construction was going on and not all of the doors were open. I ended up walking with a really kind soul who turned out to be Balboa Press author Jennifer Gamboa. When we arrived at the main hallway for the Hay House events, she reached into her bag to give me one of her books, but realized she didn't have one on her, so I asked for her autograph on a piece of paper instead. Later in the morning I did go and buy her book Victim No More! How To Get Your Power Back.
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Jennifer Gamboa & Me |
As I walked along the hallways, I saw coach and author Nancy Levin who had just finished a morning meditation class. So I walked in to say hello and asked if she would sign one of her books Jump...and Your Life Will Appear. I told her my name and she said "Don't I know you?" I was surprised that she knew who I was from Instagram. I had reviewed her book Worthy and we did follow each other, but it was such a nice feeling to meet someone who you admire, and they know who you are. There is this feeling of validation, that you are seen. I first saw Nancy in 2013 at a Hay House I Can Do It! event in Austin. She was the event director and also a speaker. I have been a fan ever since! Nancy was so kind and welcoming in person. I'm so grateful I was able to meet her in person. That is part of why I love these events much. The people who are a part of this, make you feel as "worthy' as you feel about them.
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Nancy Levin & Me |
After visiting Dr. Robert Holden one last time to give him some Kindness tags for his kids, I went to find Colette Baron-Reid's room. I was so excited for this workshop!
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Hay House Live! Houston 2019 |
I said my usual prayer and visualization before the day's event for a wonderful experience. Yes, I did get that first seat again in the center just as I wanted. I put my handbag on my chair and stuffed two filled Hay House bags under my chair so no one would trip on them.I had quite a bit with me that day, they could barely fit under the chair, and one of them was jutting out the back.
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Front and center! |
I also had time to leave a kindness on a chair before everyone started coming into the room.
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Kindness...Pass It On Mission in action! |
I was happy to see a familiar face, Linda Jones from the prior day's class. We sat together again for this workshop. She surprised me with a beautiful pair of green earrings that reminded her of the healing color she saw around me when we did the James Van Praagh workshop. It just made my day, and I love wearing them. Such an unexpected kindness! We had a really fun day and Linda was even called to pick a card during the workshop.
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Colette Baron-Reid & Linda Jones |
Colette has such beautiful energy. She just fills the room with it. She always talks about how handsome her husband is (which he is!), but Colette is really stunning in person. Her beautiful soul matches her beautiful appearance. Colette and her husband are such a lovely couple. They really work well together and it was such an informative and fun event.
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Beautiful Colette Baron-Reid |
Colette did a card pull for her weekly astrology reading and I was picked for Libra. Now mind you, I was a little overwhelmed and excited to pick a card from Colette, so I forgot what card it was! More was the first time I used her deck Wisdom of the Oracle, so I wasn't familiar with the cards yet. I bought one for myself at the event, it is such a beautiful deck, I just love it! So anyway, I think the card I picked was Never-Ending Story in the protection position (upside-down) because she said it meant "not my circus, not my monkeys," so I can observe the drama, but I sure don't have to participate in it! She also said I was a natural healer. I just loved hearing that and I told her I am a Reiki Master, an energy healer. It just felt like validation that day, that I am indeed on the right path. I did become a small ham and mentioned my birthday was the next day, so I did get a Happy Birthday from the audience, which was so nice too!
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Wisdom of the Oracle |
Colette gave us tips on how to set boundaries and protect our energy. She was speaking to a room full of empaths, psychics, healers, and those very sensitive to energy, so it was most appreciated. She mentioned using himalyan salt blocks, the kind used to cook fish. You rest your feet on top of them to keep you grounded and from picking up other people's energetic "stuff." I have since found himalayan foot lamps, they are detoxifying too.
There was supposed to be a John Holland workshop, but it was cancelled due to illness, so some of the people from that class came into our room. John does mediumship classes, and although Colette can connect with the departed too, this was going to be more about oracle cards and readings. But spirit had other plans, and lots of departed energies filled the room and she was able to give readings to loved ones who really needed it, even pets came through! I know the day evolved exactly how it was supposed to.
It was such a good day. We laughed, we cried, we covered all of the emotions. We worked with others on card readings, and it was fun to get a reading from different people and give them too. That was the first time I tried before I was actually trained. There was so much stepping out of my comfort zone that weekend, but there was a feeling of trust in this group of people. You just know you won't be judged and you can be your real self.
We did different exercises and we even listed things we don't want to carry around any more, all of the emotional baggage. I had quite a negative list for myself, but one of the items on my list was feeling like I was responsible for everyone. Part of that is from being a mother and part of it is a control factor with a splash of OCD. I knew I had to let that go, everyone needs to live their own lives, and make their own mistakes so they can grow. It's part of their path and I can't keep jumping in the middle of it trying to save people that actually don't need saving, they are doing fine.
I forgot that I wrote this down until I pulled out my notes from the workshop, but number ten on my list was "That I can't speak in public with confidence." I don't know why I was thinking this at the time, but since that workshop, I have taught in-person classes, and done live online meditations, healings, and Meetups. So I left that baggage behind, and look what opened up! I love seeing how things are always unfolding for us even when we don't realize it at the time. Our lives flow when we let it, and each encounter, lesson, and stumble is preparing us for the next step. This is why I needed to let go of being responsible for everyone, their lives are unfolding for them just as mine is, and it's all good.
Sight unseen, we were each able to pick a card to keep, and the one I chose was Armadillo Spirit from Colette's Spirit Animal oracle cards. We learned about the meanings of the different animal spirits. Armadillo spirit is about setting healthy boundaries. Message received.
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Spirit Animal Oracle Cards |
After the event, I grabbed my bags and rushed to get to the book signing line. I had a long drive home, so I wanted to try to get as close to the front of the line as I could.
Colette told us that during the book signing, if she saw something while she was meeting us, she would do a quick, spontaneous reading. I wasn't expecting her to see anything with me. I thought she would have some messages for others from spirit just as she did in the workshop.
I got in line with Linda so we could take turns taking pictures of each other with Colette. When it was my turn, I blabbered how lovely she was and how great the workshop was and how excited I was to meet her in person. After she signed my book, Colette looked at me and told me I was addicted to sugar. She basically saw right through me and found a five pound bag of sugar. She told me I was pre-diabetic. Colette also told me that sugar is affecting my intuition, which is something I am trying to develop more. She said sugar is like crack to me and I needed to stay away from it. Wow. I mean WOW! Spot on, that is my weight issue, that is my addiction, and it has been an issue since I was a kid. I am severely addicted to sugar. If I completely remove it from my diet, I feel great, the minute I add it back in, I am hooked. And quite frankly, it's rare that I'm "off" sugar. Candy, cake, ice cream, anything with chocolate and I am all in. It has been such a difficult thing to overcome. Seriously, it has been my biggest lifelong challenge.
There have been so many times that I've gone to a CVS, gas station, or supermarket and filled my arms with loads of candy. And then checking out the cashier would always comment "Oh are you going to the movies?" Or "You must have a big family." Or "Aw you are having your child's birthday party!" I didn't have the courage to admit it was all for me. I thought they were being rude and presumptuous. But I know now that those were cries from the Universe telling me "This is too much. Stop. Please." But I didn't listen.
I had blood work later on that month for my annual checkup. My blood sugar was oddly decent, but my liver told a different story. So, this is something I am being very conscious of. It is such a struggle for me, but I know my health depends on making a change. Once again, Colette validated something very important. Out of anything she could have seen or felt, that is what came though, a Divine intervention for certain. It was quite a blessing that I will always be grateful for. Colette is truly gifted.
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Colette Baron-Reid and me! |
I left the convention center on a cloud thinking about the incredible weekend I just had. I headed home thanking spirit for such a great time. It was more than I ever could have imagined.
Over an hour into my ride home, I had a sinking feeling that I left a bag behind. I don't know why it hit me in the middle of the highway, but I just could feel it. I pulled over and off to the access road so I could check. I was right, I left an entire tote bag with lots of new books and meditations, including my signed copy of Jump and Your Life Will Appear by Nancy Levin. My heart sunk. I also had my Kindness Cards in there, and some money to leave on vending machines as kindnesses. I called the convention center to see if somehow someone turned it in. It wasn't in lost and found, but they took my information. I knew it was too late to drive all the way back and expect to find it, the room was probably already locked up. It was Sunday, so I wouldn't be able to reach anyone else, so I took a deep breath, said a prayer that it all would be found and returned, and headed home.
The next day, I launched an all out mission to find my tote bag. I called Hay House, reached out to Starsha on the Hay House Wisdom Community Facebook page, and emailed Jessica at Hay House. Everyone was looking for my bag! And within a very short time, Jessica let me know that one of the event coordinators from Hay House took it with them so that it could be returned to whoever left it behind. She asked for my mailing address and I thanked her for all of the help I received so quickly.
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Hay House is awesome! |
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Scar The Cat |
In Gratitude & Love,
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Love Yourself More Than Anyone Else Could - James Van Praagh
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Hay House Live! Discover Your Spiritual Superpowers! |
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A kindness left behind. |
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James Van Praagh |
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James Van Praagh |
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Starsha Maree & me! |
I also waited to get a book signed by Robert Holden after his workshop was complete. He just exudes love and kindness.
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Me & Dr. Robert Holden |
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Another kindness left behind. |
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10 Minute Miracle - Meditation at Bell Rock
Join me for a beautiful walk to Bell Rock vortex where you will manifest your desires! In Gratitude & Love, Kerri Mulhern www.kerrimulhe...