Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A Geisha, A Grandma, And Trust

Two weeks ago I attended the Many Lives, Many Masters one day workshop with Dr. Brian Weiss in Austin, which I'll be chatting about in my next blog. I arrived a day early and met up with one of my friends who was going as well. We decided to get together first at a crystal store called Nature's Treasures. Who could resist 7,000 square feet of crystals?! The store was also holding a psychic fair that day, so we decided to check it out. As my friend settled into a reading, I walked around and found Mia, who does akashic records sessions, past lives, pet readings, and more. She performed a lovely prayer to start the session and opened up my akashic records. She told me there were orbs, energies and lots of angels around me. She saw light beings, fairies and elementals around me too. 

Next she talked about my spirit guides. One of them was James. He appeared in his 20's. He was from a past life we had together in Asia. He loved me in that lifetime, but couldn't be with me because I was a geisha. I loved him too, and we were very close friends. When I told my friend about this after the readings she said "Aren't geisha's prostitutes?" I had this wave of shame wash over me (This feeling wasn't from anything she was implying, it was all in my head.), I always thought of them as artists.  They were skilled artists, but depending on the period during the rise of the geisha, they could be entertaining in the same quarters as courtesans. True geishas never married. As I was initially writing this blog, I stepped away and I felt embarrassed, feeling that I would be judged for this possibility. I thought well, you don't even have to publish this blog. And I don't. But then I got over myself. I know that the only judgement that needs to be let go of, is my own. 

My journey into past life regression is a work in progress. Through meditation and past life regression audios, I have only seen flashes of faces and places, nothing really concrete, not a real "seeing" of a past life. The most I have seen is my bare feet walking on a cobblestone street with shops around. It seems like I am in an old world European country, and I feel like I'm a man in that life. I have more senses away from meditation of what my past lives could have been. I have strong feelings that I have been Asian, American Indian, Indian (India) and Alaskan. I also feel a strong connection to England. Supposedly these connections reflect a knowing of a past life. There can be places, styles, cultures, interests, skills that we feel strongly or instinctually about, and those feelings can indicate a past life. We can also have fears and aversions that can indicate something significant that happened in a past life. Some people even have the "wounds" of a past life in the shape of scars or birthmarks. 

So feeling an Asian connection has made the possibility of a geisha past life plausable. I suppose the harder we try, we can get anything to make sense if we want it to. But this is just an exploration for me right now, so I am looking at all of the information I am gathering with an open mind, to see if there could be any truth to this. 

I have always had a serious problem with my feet. They hurt with just a small amount of walking, and this has been the case since I was a child. I worked for a short time at a podiatrist's office while I was in college. Dr. Steve helped me quite a bit by creating prescription orthotics for me. One of his curious observations after taking x-rays was that I had some free floating pieces of bone in my feet. His question was "Were you dropped as a baby?" Oh lordy. Well, that would make sense in this lifetime perhaps, but thinking towards a past life, what if these were the "wounds" from my geisha life in those bound shoes? Have you ever seen what those feet look like? Get ready...

I had called in to Denise Linn's Hay House radio show last year. I  asked her if the issue I had with my feet could be due to a past life (my heels were causing serious pain at the time and her show that day was on past lives). She told me she saw me in a past life in Russia or Poland. She could only see me from the legs down and I was barefoot. I was a refugee, walking by myself in the snow. She told me I was feeling hopeless at my situation. She made mention of how odd it was that I was all alone and not with other refugees. Digging into a past life has healed people in the present. More than one life can convey the same theme. If I can truly get to the bottom of why my feet hurt as they do, what the lesson is, the pain could actually go away. I am working through this same theory with my weight. Of course issues can be the result of a current lifetime, childhood traumas, and more. But I do believe there also can be more to it.

Next in my reading was a guide name Mary. She was an older person, a grandma in my past life or present life who is no longer here. Mary happens to be my grandmother's name who had passed over 25 years ago. Mia told me that we had several lifetimes together. She took care of me when I was little in some life. She saw her as Native American and in Peru. This was sweet to hear, as I have always have held loving memories of my grandmother. I include her in my prayers every morning to watch over my sons after I drop my youngest off at school.

The last guide she mentioned was Joseph. He hasn't been incarnated in a long time. He referred to himself as a teacher in training. He is trying to raise his level. She said it doesn't feel like he's from this galaxy. Mia felt he was from the Andromeda star system. She saw him with dark skin, short hair, tall, Indian (from India) and very smart. 

So a couple of things are odd, the Native American in Peru and the guide from Andromeda who is Indian. I do go into these things with an open mind, and I have only had a couple of readings, but I have yet to have a reading where the same guide came through again. If these mystics are actually seeing my guides, perhaps they appear in a way that is understandable to them. Would I see spirit the same way, or would another psychic see something completely different? Are the messages transmitted clearly, in metaphor, and skeptically speaking, how would I know if the psychic is really a psychic? I do believe we have guides around us, I just am not sure what really is true. I did a course of Sonia Choquette's called Ask Your Guides. Through it I learned to talk to and do automatic writing from my guides. I felt very connected and it felt true to me. I learned names of some of them (none the same as Mia's reading), and what they wanted to teach me.

Mia told me at times during my day I may be feeling a light pressure on my head, and that is spirit downloading information to me, upgrading me spiritually. I have felt that many times when meditating. It feels like someone has their hands on my temples or forhead gently pushing in. She told me to listen more to my intuition, believe more in myself. She said I second guess myself and worry quite a bit. I have to be more trusting. Trust seems to be quite a theme in my life, and I would say it's one of my biggest lessons. She said to ask my guides for help, because of free will, they can only help if we ask.

She asked if I had any questions, so I asked her about my weight to see if there was anything else behind it besides too many bars of candy. She said there is a layer behind my weight and that is for protection. She said it is an addition since childhood, using food as a way of coping with life. It fill s a void, helps me to cope with stress and emotions. She said self love is important. She said this in not physical (surgery would not solve the situation, I would just gain it back). She said it's an energetic and emotional fix. I have felt an addiction to food, especially when trying to let go of anything sugary. I also relate to the protection factor. And while I think about it, part of the thing I protect myself from is men. I feel uncomfortable about how I look when I'm thinner. It draws attention to me and makes me nervous. Could this relate to being a geisha? Could it relate to my isolation in my Russia / Poland life? What is the lesson I need to learn?

On a lighter note, of course I bought crystals after my reading! My first rose quartz pendulum, obsidian, celestite, a St. Peter statue to help with my aching feet (I just "happened" to come across him. I had no idea there was a saint to help with feet) and some candles. I talked to my friend at lunch about our experiences. She sat with Mia for almost an hour (mine was about 18 minutes, I could have gone longer if I wanted to but I felt I heard enough). She described some things that were absolutely incredible and very connected to her life. I told her I wasn't sure how I felt. She said I was a geisha, but I just happened to be wearing red lipstick (not common for me) and a bag that had an asian emblem on it. My friend said "maybe there's a reason why YOU chose to wear the lipstick and carry that bag." Hmmm. Since we are drawn to and repelled by things that occurred in our past lives, this certainly gives pause to think.

After the trip I had the urge to look up James in Japanese just to see if there was anything that would ring a bell to me. When I have thoughts to do stuff, I usually can tell when it's guidance and intuition, so I go with it. Awhile back I had a phone reading with Karen Kubicko and was told that smiley faces were signs from spirit of their presence. I went to an event with don Miguel Ruiz and don Miguel Ruiz Jr. right after that reading, (click here for blog) and instead of a wristband for seating, I was given a happy face sticker. That night was magical and I could feel spirit throughout the room for all of us. So much love. The smiley face was a beautiful sign among others that night. Anyway, after googling James, here's what I found: 

I see a smiley face, do you? There were many links to prior readings. Even if the names weren't the same, the lessons are linked. So maybe I need remember what I know in my heart to be true: the universe is speaking to us, I just need to trust.

Here are some great resources for learning about past lives:
Many Lives Many Masters book by Dr. Brian Weiss: click here
Many Lives Many Masters course by Dr. Brian Weiss: click here
Dr. Brian Weiss Regression CD's: click here
Denise Linn's Past Lives Present Miracles book: click here
Sonia Choquette Ask Your Guides book: click here
Life Is Just Another Class by Karen Kubicko book: click here

In Gratitude & Love,

Kerri Mulhern

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