Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Peace Begins With Me (and you too!)

It has been a tumultous year and a half in the United States. There has been racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and more. And today we wake up to the culmination of all of the hatred and divisiveness to reveal that Donald Trump is our president elect. 

I kept the election on TV last night and would wake periodically in horror at how it was all going. I felt my heart pounding in my chest in disbelief that someone who spewed such hatred could actually be voted for. I prayed for the best outcome for our country and the world. I woke up feeling sick and full of fear. I cried. I felt embarrassed for our country.

And then I turned back to what has helped me overcome any fears and anxieties that I have ever had. I prayed and I meditated. And I was calm again. The truth is, at least my truth, is that Donald Trump is a reflection of the collective unconscious. He is a projection of the state of our country. Deepak Chopra stated it on Facebook yesterday: "When we can’t face our own shadow, it gets embodied in figures like Trump who gleefully let the dark side of human nature romp in public." So let's face it and use this an opportunity for change. Fear doesn't change anything, it keeps us stuck. 

I know so many (including myself) who have pointed out all of the horrible things Donald Trump has said and done, and I agree. But after some reflection, I also have to admit, Hillary Clinton's team and the media kept repeating it over and over again. Are they not responsible for spreading fear too? Her commercial with all of Trump's rants of hatred and disrespect while child actors sat there watching the TV, were also witnessed by our children. It affected my household, I'm sure it affected many others. 

I think Hillary would have been the best choice for our country, I think her passion is for the public good. I believe she is all inclusive. But I also thought of what would have happened this morning if she were elected. What kind of rebellion would have taken place? What violence could have ensued? Perhaps in some way, we are saved from ourselves right now.

This was a fear based campaign on both sides. Trump wanted us to fear Muslims, Mexicans, and anyone different from him. Clinton wanted us to fear any possibility of Trump being in the White House and in charge of the nuclear codes. How do you sleep thinking Trump could cause a nuclear war? Both sides scared us.

What we see in others exists in us. Whichever candidate we favored, and as much as we think the "other side" is so wrong, if we react with the same anger, fear, and hatred, then aren't we exactly the same? I choose to continue to see the oneness in all of us, I do not support any forms of hatred, I choose love.

I had a moment this morning where I wanted to give up my spiritually-based business and my writing. But after prayer and meditation I realized that giving in to fear is not what is needed. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. so beautifully stated: "I have decided to stick with love…Hate is too great a burden to bear." This country and this world need more love. The quote above from Mother Teresa is another clear explanation of what is needed now. We need to begin at home, we need to begin with ourselves. It is also expressed beautifully in the Prayer of Saint Francis:

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. 
Where there is hatred, let me sow love; 
where there is injury, pardon; 
where there is doubt, faith; 
where there is despair, hope; 
where there is darkness, light; 
where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console; 

to be understood as to understand; 
to be loved as to love; 
For it is in giving that we receive; 
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; 
it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.

This is how we change the world, this is how we make a difference. So for me, I will begin in my home, and I will continue the Kindness...Pass It On Mission to encourage kindness to others, I will continue to create products that promote love, kindness, and peace, and I will write about all of the beauty in life and in each other. I will do my part, and as each of us chooses peace, it will create a ripple effect that will change the world. Sending love and peace to you all.

In Gratitude and Love,

Kerri Mulhern

Thursday, November 3, 2016

21 Days of Joy

The more I meditate, the more in touch I become with my soul's voice and my spiritual team that I pray to. What I have been hearing lately is to bring more joy into my life. The voice I hear doesn't just speak to me through my thoughts, it also repeats itself over and over again through things that are brought into my awareness such as books, articles, radio shows, conversations with others and more. The same theme repeats itself until I take notice and do something about it.

I work six days a week, run two small businesses, maintain a blog, and run the Kindness...Pass It On mission. I love everything I do, but my weekdays and weekends became so jam packed that I forgot to play. It was taking a toll on me. I realized I wasn't smiling or laughing as much as I used to. I was feeling drained and I needed to have fun again. 

For the last three weeks, I followed my joy. I spent time reading, meditating, making jewelry, going for walks, visiting the San Antonio Missions, going to the park, taking day trips, exploring nature, recognizing the kindness in others, and being present with my family. I also created future joy by getting tickets to see Eben Alexander author of Proof of Heaven in December, a holiday symphony, and a comedy show next year.

When I bought my new car, I decided to name her after Archangel Jophiel who is all about joy. She helps manifest joy and happiness, and brings beauty to all aspects of our lives. The car makes me feel happy and I wanted the name to be a reflection and reminder of that. Through the 21 Days of Joy, I rediscovered my joy of driving. I used to love going for long drives when I was younger. I would drive to the Jersey shore by myself frequently, and the journey was as peaceful as the ocean itself, Over these past three weeks, my husband and I would take long weekend drives through the Texas Hill Country and visit towns and shops together. It was relaxing and fun at the same time. It was so nice to get out, away from my office, breathe in the fresh air, enjoy the sky, the beautiful trees, and time with my love. I could feel the huge benefits in shaking up the routine I was trapping myself in.

In one of the towns we visited, I spotted a beautiful dog sitting under a bench. I wanted to go up and pet him. I just love animals. At the end of his leash was a man with his face painted in black and red. He said "For $5 you can get a picture of a real Comanche and a real Timberwolf." It actually took me aback for a moment with his gruff voice and the darkness of the paint hiding his face. For a moment I felt I was in another time and space. I said no thanks and walked past. I began reflecting on what is happening at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota because of the Dakota Pipeline Project. I kept thinking about the man and his wolf, and as we turned back to walk that way again, the Comanche and his companion were gone. I joked to my husband that they were spirits, since we couldn't find them anywhere, but my husband insisted that a spirit wouldn't need cash. I could definitely see the logic in that, but it was still a bit mysterious, and I really wanted to just give him some money if he needed it. 

My birthday coincided with my 21 Days of Joy, so I spent that day treating myself. I haven't shopped for myself in ages, primarily because of my weight gain. Now that I'm losing weight again, I am beginning to find the joy again in fashion, jewelry, and taking better care of myself. I bought myself a "goal" blouse as inspiration for my diet. I bought some Clinique skin care and blush. When I was checking out, the salesperson asked if I wanted to sign up for the Macy's rewards program. I said yes, and had to fill in my birth date. When she realized it was my birthday, she threw some free samples into my bag. When I got home, I realized she gave me "Happy" perfume and lotion! It was just too perfect for my joy mission!

What happens when you spend time focusing on what you want to bring into your life, is that the universe conspires to flood you with it. It is the same thing that happens when you focus on what you don't want. The universe doesn't see the difference, it's just giving you what you put your attention on. So, why not pick happy, joy, abundance, perfect wellness, healthy relationships, being on purpose, connecting with spirit, seeing the beauty in your children? It's all there, it always is. 

Realigning with joy in my life has re-energized me. It has helped me pour even more love, passion, and focus into all of the work I do. It has reconnected me with the most important relationships in my life, including myself. 

My next 21 days will be a revisit of 21 Days of Art. I had started it, but didn't follow through. Honestly, it scared me, which is why I need to do it again. Instead of enjoying something that I love to do, I put pressure on myself. I felt that what I was doing wasn't good enough or creative enough. That isn't what art is about, is it? One of the latest repetitive messages coming to me has been about the book The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path To Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron. I ordered it, and it came in the mail yesterday. Of course it is exactly on point with what has been holding me back. This is yet another example to keep an eye, an ear, and an open mind to what the universe is providing. Everything is happening for us, not to us. I am now ready for 21 Days of Art, because I have joy on my side.

For more information on the books, authors and information mentioned in the blog, click on the links throughout to visit their sites!

In Gratitude & Love,

Kerri Mulhern

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