From My Hands and Heart: Achieving Health and Balance with Craniosacral Therapy by Kate Mackinnon published by Hay House, is a beautiful journey through the world of cranialsacral therapy (CST). This gentle healing modality is brought to light through Kate's brilliant writing, fascinating case studies, and even includes instruction on how to perform CST ourselves.
I am still amazed how life flows and the things we need in our life comes to us when we remain open to it. I just "happened" upon Kate Mackinnon's Instagram page one afternoon, and noticed a beautiful picture of Dr. Wayne Dyer and Amma. I love them both and commented on the picture. Kate responded and I soon realized that I had just listened to her on Anita Moorjani's Hayhouse Radio Show. Kate is not only a Hay House author, she was Wayne Dyer's cranialsacral therapist.
I remember Wayne speaking of Kate Mackinnon on his radio show as well, including the work she did, and how she helped him. Prior to Wayne, I had not heard of CST. But Wayne was always introducing us to authors, ideas, healing modalities, and ways of being that were always positive and transformative. After hearing about Kate and her work, I knew I wanted to learn more.
From My Hands and Heart includes a wonderful forward from Dr. Wayne Dyer. The book is also lovingly peppered with some of the treatment Wayne went through, how it impacted him, and more. There is also a beautiful poem from Nancy Levin, inspired by her experience with CST.
What also drew me to this book was hearing that CST could help TMJ. I have struggled with teeth grinding and jaw clenching since I was a child. As an adult, I am still clenching my jaw, even throughout the day, leaving it feeling tight and tense. This has even caused bone growth on the inside of my lower jaw, due to the stress put on it from clenching. I was eager to read how CST could help me.
Kate Mackinnon's intelligence is palpable in how she explains the different structures of the body and how she is able to use this low-impact healing method to decrease and even eliminate pain in her clients. Initially trained in physical therapy, she leads us through her path to CST. She has such a thorough understanding of the human body, and even works on animals!
Kate also has a deep connection with the energy of the human body. She provides a powerful combination of mind, body, and spiritual healing to her clients, and explains it all to us easily and succinctly in this book. She tenderly works with the cranialsacral fluid in her clients bodies as well as their fascia. To get an overview of CST and what it looks like, check out her website for her video explaining her practice.
I marvel at the fact that she is able to ease pain and restore wellness with the physical pressure comparable to the weight of a nickel. This sounds like such a calm and relaxing method to participate in. Cranialsacral therapy works complimentary with many other healing modalities. She has worked on adults, children, teens, and babies (even in utero!). CST is used for headaches, asthma, dental pain, easing symptoms in cerebral palsy, Bell's palsy, knee pain, sports injuries and so much more. It is fascinating to read what her sessions bring up emotionally for her clients that need to be released, along with their physical symptoms being alleviated.
I have enormous respect and appreciation for the fact that Kate undergoes CST on herself for the benefit of herself and her clients. She is very conscious of keeping herself grounded and neutral in order to best serve her clients.
Kate even shows us how to get a feel for cranialsacral therapy at home. I was thrilled to find an exercise to relax my jaw! Kate also includes resources to find additional information and CST's to work with nearby.
I highly recommend From My Hands and Heart. Thank you Kate Mackinnon for writing about this fascinating therapy in a way that everyone can understand. There is so much packed into this book, that I can't possibly cover it all here. I definitely recommend picking up a copy and learning more!
For more information click the links in the blog or below:
From My Hands and Heart: click here to check out or buy the book
Kate Mackinnon's website:
Kate's video on CST:
Dr. Wayne Dyer's website:
Hay House website:
In Gratitude & Love,
Kerri Mulhern