Several months after the Reiki II class, I attended the Master class. The class was fantastic. The energy of this group of students was different though. There were no familiar faces in this class, aside from our teacher. I didn't feel that they understood the sacredness of this experience. Reiki I is for the student to heal themselves, Reiki II is to heal others, and the Master class is about enlightenment.
After some instruction, one by one, we went into a separate room for our final attunement from our Reiki Master teacher. Attunements clear energetic pathways to allow Reiki energy to flow through the recipient. This attunement invokes the Master symbol as well. When I received mine, and went back to the classroom, everyone was loud and talking across the room to each other. I hopped on a massage table to be quiet and integrate the attunement. As I closed my eyes, I suddenly felt hands on my shoulders. One of the students had come up behind me and started massaging my shoulder, head, and neck. I didn't ask for it, and I wasn't asked if I wanted it. Honestly, it was a great massage, but I really just wanted a quiet moment. Reiki teaches that you should always ask for permission before giving Reiki. Shouldn't this be the same for massage or anything else? I'm not angry about it, I know she did this with a good intention, it just seemed to go along with the general attitude of the class. Many of the students (it's a small group mind you, 8 students) were looking at their phones throughout the entire class. As I said, the energy didn't feel quite right for an energy healing class. But what I learned was immeasurable.
We learned the Master symbol and received all of the information to be able to attune others. Not only can I give Reiki to myself and others, I can also teach it now too!
We learned about crystals and how they can enhance a Reiki session. We learned chakra balancing using a pendulum and crystals. We also learned how to "stitch" up an aura after an aura cleansing. Aside from the attunement, the chakra balancing was my favorite part. When the chakras are balanced you can physically see the chakras spinning when the pendulum is dropped into the chakra vortexes. You can also see when they are imbalanced by the way the pendulum swings.
I felt that I had learned everything I needed to do a proper Reiki session after this class. What a gift to be able to share with others! And to top it all off, the Reiki teacher ask me and my friend from the Reiki II class that I had been sharing Reiki with, to work as contractors for her on Saturdays! Within six months from my first Reiki class, I am working as a healing practitioner. I believe that one of the easiest ways to know if you are on the right path, is to notice how quickly the universe supports you.
I am now offering distance healing for people and pets on my Suitable Gifts Reiki page. I am also working on a new site specifically devoted to energy healing called: Enlightened Healing Space. It's a work in progress, but should be completed soon!
My next blog will be about some of the experiences I have had giving reiki. It has been an amazing journey, and I thank you all for being supportive in reading my blog and for your kind comments.
Suitable Gifts Reiki Services:
Enlightened Healing Space:
In Love & Gratitude,
Kerri Mulhern