Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Book Review - Bliss: One Hero's Journey by Gary Ramsey

"You can die at any minute," Gary Ramsey's doctor informed him. What would you do with that kind of news? Could you traverse this challenge in a state of bliss? Would your trust your intuition to guide you at such a critical time? What if that guidance went against everyone else's opinion, would you still listen? Could you find the blessing in this? Would you find gratitude in the face of cancer and feel that it actually saved your life?

As spiritual as I would like to think I am, I would probably be in full fetal getting the news that Gary did. However, after reading Bliss, I feel much closer to knowing that all things are possible, and we have inside of us all we need to lead us towards complete healing in any aspect of our lives.

Bliss: One Hero's Journey by Gary Ramsey is a riveting and miraculous odyssey towards healing, awakening, and living in bliss no matter the circumstances. It is a spiritual, synchronistic, divine adventure into restoring mind, body, and soul to perfect wellness. It is about letting go of fear and embracing the present. It is about so many must read this book.

On October 26, 2016 I was listening in as I always do, to Anita Moorjani's Hay House Radio Show. If you aren't signed up to listen to the archives on Hay House Radio, it is well worth $36 a year just to hear Gary's interview. I love listening to her show, but I was literally on the edge of my seat listening to Gary tell his story of receiving the worst diagnosis possible, and transcending to full recovery. I listened to the replay of his interview later in the evening, as well as every time it has been replayed since. I would run it on a loop if I could, it is so inspiring.

After listening to Gary Ramsey on air, I connected with him on Facebook. Gary is truly one of the kindest, generous, and most beautiful souls I have ever encountered. Chatting with him feels like you are wrapped in a big, warm hug. He is the embodiment of joy and positivity. I told him I was hoping he would write a book, and so many more listeners of the radio show had the same thought! I am so grateful that he did write this book to share his spectacular story. 

I knew I would love Bliss: One Hero's Journey, even before I received it. Gary is so captivating to listen to, that I was certain his humor, intelligence, and mesmerizing presence would translate seamlessly into book form. Bliss far surpassed my expectations. Normally when I read, I'll pace myself and read a chapter or two a night. I read this from cover to cover in one evening. I could not put the book down until it was finished. I was spellbound. And I will read it again and again, just as I have listened to Gary's interview so many times. This is the type of book that holds so much meaning, that I know I will gain even more insight the more I read it. Some books hold magic in them, and this is one of them.

I wanted to read this book because I was so intrigued by Gary's story. I had no idea there would be something in it to help me. I know that there is something in this book for everyone. Gary describes himself as a caretaker and I really resonated with that role. He realized that his decision to go away for treatment (out of the country!) would be instrumental in his healing.  If he stayed home to face this illness, he would be trying to help everyone else deal with their fears about his situation, instead of taking care of himself. Gary helped me realize on such a profound level, how critical and life saving it is to take care of yourself and value your own self worth. Gary certainly shows in this extreme way how you can deplete yourself when you give all of yourself away. This book has been such a revelation, and I am so grateful to Gary for that. 

I know that this book will help anyone facing a life threatening illness. It gives hope and self empowerment to honor your own inner voice guiding you towards what is best for you. It is for anyone facing a cancer or life-threatening diagnosis, anyone feeling fearful, for those who sacrifice themselves for everyone else, for those on a spiritual path, and for anyone who just wants to read an incredible journey towards healing.

Thank you Gary Ramsey for this beautiful gift to the world. This book is without a doubt, pure Bliss.

For more information on Gary Ramsey:
Buy the book Bliss: One Hero's Journey: Click here
Gary Ramsey on Facebook:
Gary Ramsey's  website:
Gary Ramsey interview on Anita Moorjani's Hay House Radio Show: 

In Gratitude & Love,

Kerri Mulhern

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