I'm sure you've all heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Well, I've decided to use that to work on my intentions for this year. My soul is leading the way. Oh the beautiful soul, it's always guiding us towards the best version of ourselves. It speaks so gently though, that our negative ego voice usually drowns it out. The more that I have been meditating, the easier it has become to hear its gentle nudges.
I have decided to work on something new every 21 days. Immersing myself completely in one area at a time, will give it roots to last beyond that time. As I move on to my next project, I will carry the one completed with me. It's not so I will end up with an overwhelming amount to do, but rather so I will continue to engage myself in all of the favorable ways my soul is pulling me towards. Habits are easy, so the goal is to have some really healthy and positive ones.
To begin, I've chosen space clearing (also known as clutter clearing). It is the one thing that bugs me the most. I chose it because I knew I would be thinking it about it the entire 3 weeks even if I chose something else. I want to be completely mindful of whatever it is that I'm working on. There will be no guilt, unreasonable demands, or struggles during these 21 days. This is about change, but it doesn't need to be miserable. It will all be joyful.
I don't have a mess in my home. Well, except for this closet...
Oh well, there's no need to hide it from you. We're all friends here, right? There's so much crammed in there from business inventory, crafts, art supplies, kids memories to office supplies. It's the tiniest closet in the house, but it's in my office where I am most of the time, so in everything goes!
Generally, I've gotten much better at letting go and keeping things orderly. I have grown to prefer having much less. But, there is more to let go of: clothes that I don't wear or even like, office paperwork (that always seems to pile up), computer files, emails, tons and tons of photos & videos that need to be organized, and so many of my kids' memories. The kids' memories are the hardest for me to part with, but I know I will find some creative ways to wean and organize (Thank goodness for iPhones and flash drives, you can save everything in such a tiny space!).
So that's where I'm starting, and I will report back in on what happens. Here are some other thoughts I have for upcoming 21 days throughout this year:
- Fun & play. Very much needed!
- Art. I went to college for art, and over the last 20 years I have barely made time to create. I miss it.
- Writing. Another passion that I need to be more consistent with.
- Reading. I love to read and learn, but I want to do more of it.
- Nature. I love being outside, but I don't make the time for it. This will do it!
- Flexibility. I currently have the flexibility of a 2x4.
- Something new. I want to try new things that I have never done before. It's great for the brain and ramps up those courage muscles!
- Living meditation. It's something I have thought about for quite awhile. I don't just want to feel the peace I have during and just after meditation. I want to live it all day by being mindful of it.
I will be making lots lists to prepare for what I will be doing. I just love lists (I probably should be doing 21 days of spontaneity...we'll see). If you have any thoughts for fun, nature, etc let me know! Do you have any intentions for this year? Share in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!
In Gratitude and Love,