Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Book Review: Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein

Miracle Message #44: I begin my day with gratitude and love. #MiraclesNow - Gabrielle Bernstein

Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein is a transformational book. If you are seeking ways to combat stress (and who isn't?), relax, deal with pain, money, addiction, and just about anything that you want to work on in your life, this is the book for you. If you want to bring more joy, peace, abundance, and love into your life, this is also the book for you.

Gabrielle's Toolbox
What I love most about this book, is that is is broken down into short, easy to read bytes of advice that are not only spot-on, but simple to integrate into your life.  I love tools, and she provides them with clarity. Gabrielle supplies concrete methods targeted to the issue at hand. Specific kundalini yoga techniques, wisdom from A Course In Miracles, tapping (a process that has you tap your fingers on specific meridians on your face and upper body to release blocks, anxiety, etc.), meditation, breathing techniques, and on and on. These tools are invaluable.

Coming together
There is beauty in modern technology when it is used for positivity, healing, and spreading goodness. Gabrielle provides in 140 characters or less, a Miracle Message at the end of each short chapter.  She encourages people to be "miracle messengers" and tweet each message with the hashtag #MiraclesNow. It is a beautiful and instantaneous way to share this with the world.

Love it!
Yes, I absolutely love Miracles Now. There is so much information given to help, that I could just pop open the book anywhere and find use on any page. You can read the book cover to cover, but it may be more effective to take a chapter a day, apply the technique, and see how it works in your life. Each chapter only takes minutes to read, but the wisdom in the pages speak volumes. You can also go directly to a specific chapter to help the situation that you need clarity or guidance with.  However you read this book, you will benefit from the sage advice and effective practices. I highly recommend this book.

I received Miracles Now free from Hay House as a participant in the Book Nook program. All opinions are my own.

In Gratitude,

Suitable Gifts

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