Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Have A Blessed Day

As I continue on my Kindness...pass it on Mission to spread Intentional Acts of Kindness, more and more ideas come to mind.  Kindness isn't just about spending money to help others, there are so many ways to be kind. I think about this quite a bit while I take my daily three mile walk through my neighborhood.  I always seem to come across hearts in the sidewalk, rocks, clouds, and more. I see beautiful flowers, birds singing, stray cats running over to me, meowing as if they can sense how freaking adorable I think they are. They are a reminder to me of love and kindness. They make me smile, and they cost nothing. 

As I walked through my usual trail one day, I thought about something that always is such a beautiful kindness.  I love when someone says "Have a blessed day." Every time I hear that, it  goes right to my heart, I feel loved.  It is always from a stranger, which makes it so very sweet, because it reminds me that we are all connected, we are all one. I have heard it from the cashier at Wal-Mart as I packed my groceries in the cart, I've heard it from the Goodwill attendant who helped me grab my donations out of my car. I've heard it many times and it always sounds so beautiful. As I thought about it that morning, I wanted to remember to write it down so I could share it with you.  As I trudged up the final, steep hill of my trek, my pounding heart and sweat pouring into my eyes led to me to forget about my writing quest. 

To be quite honest, as much as I love to hear "Have a blessed day," I never felt worthy to utter it myself. It's not that I haven't wanted to, I just didn't feel like I had the right to. It's funny how we can accept something so easily from others, feel so uplifted, yet feel that we haven't the same power to reciprocate. I am not sure why I put that block up, but since I believe we are all one, that block needed to come down.

The next day I walked my usual path, and as I passed the exact spot that I had the "blessed day" thought, I noticed an older gentleman across the street. I said  "Good morning," and I'm sure you know what his reply was! "Have a blessed day!" I nearly fell over! I said "Same to you!" My heart was full. And then when I didn't think I could take any more, a sweet kitty ran across the street towards me for generous pats on the head. I trudged the hill of dread and made it home as quickly as possible to write down my experience. Neither sweat, nor heat, nor exhausted legs would keep me from forgetting this!

I had been trying to come with a signature on my Kindness Cards when I leave them for strangers.  I finally have one that feels like me, that feels like the kind of loving thought that I want to touch others. From now on, they will all be signed "Have a blessed day." I am truly grateful to all of the kind people and fluffy kitties who have made this all possible. 


With Gratitude,


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